Saturday, 9 March 2013

Photo Phun Phrom Phlorida

I have only been birding for about 14 months and I haven't seen everything, but I have seen some very interesting birds in that time.  I certainly don't expect to see Ivory-billed Woodpeckers, but two of the birds I saw and photographed could be some of the rarest I have ever seen: The somewhat rare Backwards-headed Woodpecker and the almost never seen, Headless Osprey.  Sure, not on the ABA List and not countable on any county list, but I can't un-see them and they are committed to virtual film.  So, in the sprit of sharing on the internet everything we see and photograph, I present the following un-retouched photos...

Here are some of the regular birds I saw this week:

Some other indigenous wildlife, including a vacationing Easter Bunny and the cutest little bathing raccoon.  The deer was nice too...

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